SeeAttached: Why Is My Life So Difficult?


Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Why Is My Life So Difficult?

Why do some people find their path in life easier than others who seem to struggle and get nowhere?

No one's life on the Earth is easy. The Earth school is a learning environment. What you are on the Earth to learn is authentic power - the alignment of your personality with your soul. This requires learning how to create harmony, cooperation, sharing, and reverence for Life in a world that competes, hoards, values discord and exploits Life. It also requires developing the ability to see wisdom and compassion in every challenge. If you already had that ability, your experiences would not be as painful because you would look at the challenges in your life differently.

When you judge an experience as unfair, or a tragedy, or random, you automatically experience anger, emotional withdrawal, depression, fear or another of the many painful emotions that accompany the perception of yourself or another as a victim. When you see each of your challenges as an opportunity to discover and change the parts of yourself that feel like a victim rather than the creator of your own experiences, you automatically respond to the challenges in your life with gratitude, and even joy.

Moreover, when you respond to the challenges in your life with gratitude and appreciation, our responses to them change. Instead of reacting with anger, fear, depression, jealousy, rage or fear, you begin to respond with compassion and wisdom. You become more detached from your painful experiences, and that allows you to see the circumstances of your life more clearly and to respond to them more intelligently.

You "get nowhere" in your life by continuing to respond to the difficulties in your life in the same ways that you have responded to them in the past. Your experiences begin to change when your responses to your challenges begin to change.

Whether your responses change or not is for you to decide.


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